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About HDSA


The Historic Downtown Snohomish Association (HDSA) is the officially recognized organization dedicated to the (re)vitalization of Downtown Snohomish.  We are a volunteer-driven and volunteer-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.


Our mission is to support those who live, work, and play in the Downtown Historic District through visionary leadership, preservation-focused efforts, outreach, and fostering community in the heart and soul of the city of Snohomish.


Downtown Snohomish is a timeless, one-of-a-kind place full of diverse, surprising, and almost magical experiences enjoyed by individuals, families, and friends from near and far. There is a genuine small town feel that is built on thriving small businesses where owners and staff connect with locals and visitors alike. It is welcoming and familiar yet discoverable which draws people back time and time again. The past is preserved but the present is welcomed and we innovate for the future. 


Vision for the HDSA: Through our work, the HDSA is seen and known as the most recognized and indispensable leader among landlords, merchants, residents, government and other partners in stewarding our downtown.


As the stewards of this historic place, the HDSA is responsible for coordinating the work to make this vision come to fruition. At a high level, our strategy involves: 

Working with Landlords to help them find the right types of businesses that will enhance the downtown experience and be successful long-term tenants.


Supporting our business owners by advocating for a vibrant downtown that is small business focused and well-balanced between retail, food, experiences and services. We are their indispensable partner and expert in creating this downtown by cultivating businesses and ensuring the success and vitality of the entire district.  

Building community through our events, placemaking, and programs to support relationships, families, and connections.  

Promoting historic downtown Snohomish both near and far and encouraging one-of-a-kind experiences that draw people back again and again. 

Government partnerships – building relationships at all levels to ensure that we are harnessing the resources and building the support needed to shape the downtown we envision.

Coordinating with other non-profit organizations that touch our district to help prioritize work and leverage each other’s resources for the benefit of our downtown.

Creating a stable financial and engaged volunteer organization that can support the work we have before us.  

You can follow along with our work as it progresses by viewing our "HDSA at work" table below


Community – Embrace and serve the downtown district patrons, visitors, business owners and building owners. Foster effective
partnerships with the city and other organizations.


Inclusion – Create inclusive access, attitude, choice, partnerships, communications, policies, and opportunities.


Innovation – Lead by example, use shared language, provide open processes and procedures, encourage diversity, invite engagement and collaboration.

Promotion – Share downtown Snohomish through traditional advertising, direct relationship building and digital modalities. Foster great public relations.

Preservation – Integrate cultural, historical, and economical preservation into all our work. Seek knowledge of governance. Be resourceful. Encourage multi-organizational cooperation.

HDSA at Work

Follow our projects and see the impact we have downtown

HDSA: Stewards of Historic Downtown Snohomish

Get to know us through our video series, showcasing the stories of the many stakeholders we’re proud to support. Their love for Snohomish is what inspires our work every day. Start with our compilation video, then explore the individual testimonials that highlight what makes our town so beloved. We hope these stories capture the spirit of Snohomish that we all cherish.

HDSA: Stewards of Historic Downtown Snohomish


Sound like your jam? We would love to help you get involved in the meaningful work of giving back to your community. There are so many ways to engage in the vitality and preservation of downtown Snohomish. Click the button below to check out all the great ways to volunteer today!


Maygen Hetherington, Executive Director

Denya Ardis, Programs and Communications Manager

Ken Coman, board president, owner of Top It Frozen Yogurt Shoppe

Trent DeVerter, vice president, owner RedTrux Productions and resident

Ingrid Harten, board treasurer, Co-owner Snohomish Bakery and First & Union Kitchen, resident

Lucy Henderson, board secretary, photographer, resident

Amanda Munro, board member, chair of Snohomish Pride, resident
Beth Braun, board member, friend of Snohomish

David Flynn, board member, owner Studio 606, resident
Leslie Davis, board member, owner and co-founder Lamb & Company
Pam James, board member and local realtor, resident

Sheila DeVerter, board member, owner RedTrux Productions, resident

Shari Ireton, ex-officio board member, director of community engagement and strategic initiatives, City of Snohomish


Outreach Committee

Involves creating a strong foundation for a sustainable revitalization effort, including cultivating partnerships, community involvement, and resources for the district.

Promotions Committee

The general purposes of this committee are to brainstorm and discuss downtown promotional ideas. Business owners share marketing successes and ideas to help inspire others. Committee members provide a corps of volunteers who help implement events and other HDSA Board approved promotional activities.

Economic Vitality Committee
Economic Vitality focuses on capital, incentives, and other economic and financial tools to assist new and existing businesses, catalyze property development, and create a supportive environment for entrepreneurs and innovators that drive local economies. Activities of the committee involves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions.

Design Committee

Supports a community’s transformation by enhancing the physical and visual assets that set the commercial district apart. Focuses on Historical Preservation and district beautification.

Meeting Calendar


HDSA board meetings are held every other month in the evenings. These meetings are to accomplish the strategic and working plans of the organization, in accordance with our mission and vision for the downtown historic district. In addition, we also hold quarterly merchant meetings for our businesses and an annual appreciation event for all the stakeholders of historic downtown Snohomish. If you would like more information about any of these meetings, please email our executive director:

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